Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rainy Days and Cookies

How dare you let me out in this weather...
Here in Dallas, we graciously accept whatever rain we can get, but on weekends like this one when there are so many outdoor festivals going on, it gets a little boring. Even Charlie isn't a fan of the weather, and when went to check on him after letting him outside, he makes sure to let me know how much he doesn't care for the wet by sitting in the wicker chairs.To fight the cabin fever blues, I decided to make cookies, both human and canine.

The human cookies I cheated on, we had a bag of the Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie mixes on hand so I went ahead and used it. While of course cookies from scratch are the best, I think these are the next best thing if you don't feel like dirtying the whole kitchen up. Most of the time people don't even know the difference if I bring these to events! As always, you can customize it easily to suit your preferences, I often throw extra chocolate chips or mix it up with butterscotch or white chocolate. It's a great way to get that homemade taste without the mess, and its SO much better than those refrigerated ready-made doughs.

Cute puppy themed shapes for cute pups!

Unfortunately the concept of keeping the kitchen clean by using the mix was defeated by making cookies for Charlie and Luke.We usually get just a giant box from Costco, but sometimes its nice to do something nice for the pups since they love these ones so much. Its also a good opportunity to really KNOW whats going into their treats since its all being done from scratch. I love the recipe because its so flexible and easy to customize to your dog's tastes; and if you're REALLY curious, you can try some yourself. Click Read More at the bottom to check out the recipe.