Friday, June 29, 2012

A Tribute to Bacon

Since I've been at my parents for a while, I haven't done much in terms of cooking or puppy activities, so I thought I would make a slight tribute to one of my favorite foods: BACON.

 Lately bacon has gotten quite the reputation for more than just the delicious smokey strips that you eat for breakfast. You can now buy bacon themed items in almost any genre, such as non-breakfast snacks, body care, and dental hygiene. Who would have thought? Here are some of my favorite examples:

Bacon Air Freshener
Bacon Pop - bacon flavored popcorn

Man Bait- Maple Bacon Lollipop
Fair enough, a little strange, but here is where stuff starts to get REALLY weird...
Bacon Soap
Bacon Toothpaste

So for all you bacon lovers, there is a bacon themed product to match your every need.  Although, you may want to skip out on some of the body care bacon items.

A while back, there was also a magnificent thing called the Bacon Shake at Jack in the Box. Unfortunately I couldn't find anyone brave enough to try it with me and I was too wimpy to try it alone so I missed out. If you're still in doubt, you can read more about it here.