Thursday, July 19, 2012

Homemade Fuzzy's Tacos

Credit: here
I love Fuzzy's. The first time I went and got the shrimp tacos, I couldn't get enough of them. What I didn't love was $2 price tag on each of these tiny things, which is pretty much why I could never get enough of them to get full. My family was craving some Fuzzy's, and it occurred to me that we can probably just make them at home. I was right! For less than the price to feed two people at the restaurant, we were able to feed five and have leftovers! For generosity's sake, we made both chicken and shrimp tacos. We served this with some Mexican rice (A recipe I may share eventually, but for now I'll keep the secret), chips, and a creamy avocado lime dip. Read More for the recipe!

Yum! Served with tortilla chips and a creamy avocado dip

Friday, July 13, 2012

New England in Review

This Fourth of July we had an excuse to go on the first real vacation we've had in a LONG time. My cousin was getting married, so we took this as a sign to return to the area where I grew up, New England! Just a warning, this post may be a long one, so utilize the Jump Break if you want to keep reading!

Oysters on the Half Shell at Legal Sea Foods
Our trip began in Boston, where we walked the freedom trail, ate lunch at the delicious Legal Sea Foods, and watched the fireworks show with the Boston Pops
At first, the fireworks show was held up because of threatening lightning storms across the river. Even though the crowd had technically 'evacuated', we held our ground and we were glad we did! It turned out we were sitting right in front of the barges, and when the fireworks show finally started, it began POURING. Thankfully, the fireworks continued on and the rain just made it all the more memorable. It was definitely a show I will never forget, and possibly one that won't be beaten. If you'd like, you can watch a short video of it here. Please excuse my exclamations of rain during the video.

PEI mussels at Kitchen Little
We later moved on through Plymouth, MA, Rhode Island, and finally Mystic, CT, where we stopped for some great seafood at a small local restaurant called Kitchen Little. We sat on the patio and watched over the marina at sunset while eating our dinner. Unfortunately there were bugs, so we did sustain some mosquito bites. If anyone ever gets a chance to go, their daily specials seem to be even better than their menu items. The Caldareida, Sardines escapage, and PEI mussels were my favorites.
After a night at a mediocre hotel, we visited the tourist Mystic downtown, which was a lot smaller than I had remembered it at a child. Nonetheless it was fun to watch the yachts and poke around at the small stores. One of my favorites was The Black Dog, a place I'm sure Chuckie would have loved if he was there. They had people clothes, accessories, and tons of cute doggie things perfect for big dogs.