Friday, April 27, 2012

Cooking chicken on a pig

The idea of attempting to operate a real grill intimidates me, so when I saw this cute little Terra Cotta Pig at World Market, I thought it was right up my alley. Combined with a $10 off coupon I couldn't really say no.

I made my first attempt with it the other day, and confirmed my fears of the grilling world. After a lot of lighter fluid and several dangerous pyrotechnics, I managed to get the coals lit. Needless to say, the food was the easiest part, I went with the simple route and made some Hawaiian Chicken Skewers, with chicken, pineapple, and green peppers. The ones that I had put on the pig first were a little smokier, but had a questionable taste from what I am assuming was the lighter fluid.... but the rest were good! Just put the skewers over some white rice and made it a meal. The leftovers made a really delicious and fresh tasting lunch the following day as well.

Next time I make this I will:
  1. Wait until my boyfriend is around to start the charcoal for me. I could learn myself and practice, but why do it myself when I can get him to do it?
  2. Not wait until last minute to start making this. It does take a couple of hours total to make (a lot of it is just waiting, maybe only 20 min of actual work), so this is not a good dish to make if you're hungry RIGHT NOW.

This recipe is really flexible depending on how much you want to make (so I won't put amounts), and its easy to get creative with! Make more or less marinade depending on how much chicken you make. Read More for the recipe!

Hawaiian Chicken Skewers
For the skewers -
 Chicken breast, cut into cubes (small enough to resemble a kabob, big enough to want to eat)
 Canned Pineapple chunks
 Optional: Green Pepper (any color pepper, really), Mushroom, Cherry tomatoes, Onion (red or white!)
For the marinade - 
2 T      Soy Sauce
2 T      Brown Sugar
1 T      Sake (or mirin, sherry, or similar alcoholic beverages)
1/2 T   Oil (sesame would be good, but canola works too)
           Grated Ginger to taste (or patience; I hate grating ginger)
           Garlic Powder to taste
  1. Mix the ingredients for the marinade in a shallow dish, and mix in chicken and DRAINED pineapple. Cover, refrigerate, and let marinade for a minimum of 2 hours. Stir occasionally. If using wooden skewers, I recommend starting to soak them in water while you're waiting on the marinade.
      • This is where someone a little more grill savvy would give you some directions on starting the grill. I will not pretend I know what I'm doing on that matter, so you're on your own.
  2. When nice and soaked, skewer chicken, pineapple, and any vegetables you may choose to use.
  3. Now get to grilling! Place the skewers on a grill rack sprayed with vegetable/canola oil, and let 'em cook. Turn occasionally, and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the juices run clear. 
      • If your grilling is as bad as mine and you lose patience, or if you just don't want to deal with waiting on the grill, you can also throw them in the oven on 'Broil'. I put some extras that I didn't want to wait for on an baking sheet and aluminum foil, and broiled until they were cooked. Cooked just fine, although the skewers did get a little burned.
  4. Throw over some rice or alongside a side dish, and voila!

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