Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Clicker training

Began clicker training with Charlie today. Just got one of the cheap $2 ones at Petco and so far it's working fantastic. I think he's really starting to get the point of it. Started working him with the basic commands he already know (sit, down, ote, okawari) and introduced some hide and seek to him. For right now I'm just using his regular food for treats, but I suppose since he's got such a love affair with food it's working fine. Had a couple of short sessions, and to finish the day off I took him out to the park to try and work on some recall (something he has become notoriously bad about). Got a 50' lead that he seems to really enjoy because he's got a little more freedom to explore. Tried a few recalls with little to no issues until he got too hot and bored to care. For the first day I think it was pretty successful. Only way to go is up from here! Tommorow well work on the same stuff, and hopefully I'll do some kind of Asian cooking for dinner. Friday Im thinking a day out volunteering at Passion Horse Rescue and fried chicken with collards for dinner. One more day and its three day weekend!

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