Friday, January 30, 2015

Fudgey Gluten and Dairy free brownies

My mother concocted a delicious gluten and dairy free brownie recipe, and since it was in Japanese it's been requested that I translate to English for everyone's enjoyment :). So here it is! Feel free to reference to her page for the corresponding images, and I'll try to transfer them here when I've got some extra time.

From my mothers page:

Fudgey Gluten and Dairy Free Brownies

    • Eggs - 4
    • Coconut Sugar (can substitute regular sugar) - 1 Cup
    • Chocolate Chips - 1 Cup
    • Cocoa Powder - 1/2 Cup
    • Sea Salt - 1/2 tsp
    • Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
    • Almond Flour - 1/2 cup + 2 Tbs
    • Avocado (peeled and pitted) - 2
  1. Bring eggs and avocado out from fridge and allow to come to room temperature while preparing the next few steps
  2. Put chocolate chips in a small heat-safe bowl and melt over a boiling water bath
      • Mini chocolate chips melt faster if you're impatient
  3. Once melted, turn off heat and leave it alone
  4. In a large mixing bowl, crack eggs and add coconut sugar, whisking until frothy
  5. Should look like the corresponding picture on step 5 of mom's page :)
  6. In a separate bowl, add peeled avocado and mash using a potato masher (or similar device). Add cocoa powder and mix thoroughly
  7. To the egg and sugar mixture, add vanilla extract, sea salt, almond flour, and mix.
  8. Combine egg and sugar mixture to mashed avocado and cocoa powder, combine well.
  9. In an oiled 8x8 baking dish, pour mixture and bake in a preheated 350 F oven for 30 minutes
  10. Use a toothpick to test doneness; if it comes out clean, brownies are done.
  11. Fully cool before cutting - this is important!
  12. Enjoy!
  • The texture will be more fudgey than cakey.
  •  If you don't like the avocado bits, you can puree beforehand to smooth out.